History of "The Coil"

It has many names however is generally referred to as the coil.

Other names include:

  • Roundabout lay
  • Cleveland Hose Load
  • Doughnut load
  • Apartment lay

Essentially, the hose is coiled back on itself starting at the nozzle or water-out end, beginning with a 1.8m/5ft coil, it is then folded into a compact bundle, made ready for deployment

When charged, the hose load will burst into a neat coil and advance from the spot. If the coil is deployed in a tight space, it will mould to the edges.

The benefits of the Cleveland Hose Load:

  • Can stand up on its side and be held or lent against a wall
  • Can be deployed in a platform cage and advanced from within
  • Can be deployed then dragged fully in its coils
  • Can charge on the spot